
The Type 2 diabetes is a very prevalent disease, which has increased progressively and in parallel with the increase in overweight and obesity in society. Currently 14% of the general population suffers from it in Spain and 30% of people over 60 years of age. Diabetes is a chronic state of hyperglycemia that, if not controlled, can lead to the appearance of complications: retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, heart attacks, strokes and amputations. Type 2 diabetes is in turn associated with other cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, dyslipidemia and obesity.
The nutritional recommendations in patients with diabetes are based on a Dieta Mediterránea, aumentando el consumo de fruta y verdura, evitando las grasas saturadas en general y con un mayor consumo de pescado azul y de fibra en la dieta. Se recomienda el consumo de Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra en la población general y en pacientes con diabetes en especial por su papel protector del sistema cardiovascular.
When a person with diabetes is malnourished and needs oral supplementation to improve your nutritional statusit is crucial that supplements do not worsen glycemic control. According to the nutritional needs of the patient, a hypercaloric and
hiperproteico con fibra (Bi1 diacare hp/hc) o normocalórico e hiperproteico con fibra (Bi1 diacare). Si el paciente requiere una nutrición enteral por sonda de alimentación, se aconseja la utilización de una fórmula específica para diabetes (Bi1 via diacare o Bi1 via diacare hp/hc).
When a person with diabetes is malnourished and needs oral supplementation to improve your nutritional statusIt is crucial that supplements do not worsen glycemic control. Depending on the nutritional needs of the patient, a hypercaloric and hyperprotein supplement with fiber (Bi1 diacare hp / hc) or normocaloric and normoprotein with fiber (Bi1 diacare) will be prescribed. If the patient requires enteral nutrition by feeding tube, the use of a specific formula for diabetes (Bi1 Via Diacare) is recommended.
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