
Patients with neurodegenerative diseases (dementias, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc.) are at high risk of malnutritionDuring the course of the disease there is involuntary weight loss, secondary to a refusal to eat in advanced stages of the disease and, on the other hand, to dysphagia of neurological origin.

This can lead to a progressive state of malnutrition that will worsen the course of the disease.
When evaluating the nutritional needs of these patients, if it is not satisfied through diet, it is recommended to start a nutritional supplement hipercalórico/hiperproteico (Bi1 hp/hc), hipercalórico/normoproteico (Bi1 plus) o normocalórico/hiperproteico con fibra (Bi1 hp fibra), específico para diabetes (Bi1 diacare hp/hc o Bi1 diacare) según los requerimientos que presente.
If the patient has dysphagia to liquids, a thickener may be used (Bi1 thickener or Bi1 clear) and if the dysphagia worsens and makes it difficult to ingest any liquid or solid or semi-solid food, the use of feeding tubes will be necessary, either through a nasoenteral tube or an ostomy.
Taking into account the energy and protein needs, a normocaloric and normoprotein nutrition with fiber (Bi1 via fiber), a hypercaloric and hyperproteic nutrition with fiber (Bi1 via hp/hc) or a diabetic one (Bi1 via diacare or Bi1 via diacare hp/hc) will be prescribed. hc).

Si el paciente presenta disfagia a líquidos, podrá utilizarse espesante (Bi1 espesante) y si la disfagia se agrava y dificulta la ingesta de cualquier líquido o alimento sólido o semisólido, será necesario la utilización de sondas de alimentación, bien a través de una sonda nasoenteral o una ostomía. Teniendo en cuenta las necesidades energéticas y proteicas, se pautará una nutrición normocalórica y normoproteica con fibra (Bi1 via fibra), una hipercalórica e hiperproteica con fibra (Bi1 via hp/hc) o una diabética (Bi1 via diacare).
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